Monday, April 30, 2007


Here is a piece about my favorite skyscraper, from this week's New Yorker . It is the site of a sound sculpture by Bill Fontana. It doesn't say so in the piece, but Bill Fontana is from Cleveland. He grew up in Murray Hill, where his family ran a bakery. He went to Cathedral Latin. I feel like I'm outing him. But not in The New Yorker.


susan grimm said...

That sounds like a wonderful sound project. Here in Lakewood there are numerous churches, one very near by that I only tend to notice on Sundays and sometimes at the 6 pm bell ringing. I'll have to start paying better attention. (We also have a warning siren that is often tested on Saturday at noon.)

mspbob said...

Great piece on the bells. Congratulations.

Say hi to T.