Calvin Trillin has a piece on the Op-Ed page of today's (Friday's) Times about
test-parking a new Lexus. "But can it find a spot?" There's also a video. I had forgotten that he was co-founder of Beautiful Spot: A Magazine of Parking. I can only aspire to the same literary genre.
I see you'd found it already. Do you long for the parking Lexus? It sounds a little scary to me.
No, I don't covet a self-parking Lexus. There's another piece about cars in Manhattan on the Op-Ed page of today's (Monday's) Times, by Robert Sullivan, who wrote that great book on the Meadowlands. He is against cars in Manhattan. Someday soon it may be illegal to even own a car here, much less park it on the street.
Actually, I guess the piece is about the decline of pedestrianism.
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