Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Grant Unto Us ...

Today is the first anniversary of the Alternate Side Parking Reader, and in celebration I have added these links:

Baby Dee (you know her—buy her new CD, "Safe Inside the Day," available from Drag City, Jan. 22!)
The Wave (Rockaway's local newspaper)
ICBIE (Istituto de Cultura Brasil, Italia, Europa, a school of languages and the arts in Salvador de Bahia, Brazil)
Chicken Spaghetti (my friend Susan T's books blog, occasionally about chickens)
Book of Marvels (my friend Kris's blog)
Ask Patty (a site for women about cars)

And I am waiting for permission to add a few more.

Also this gift to parkers everywhere: a sign displayed on the windshield of a car parked in Rockaway.

The beneficence of the man!


Susan T. said...

Happy blog anniversary! It's always a treat to come here and read your blog.

Chicken Spaghetti

Stacey Shubitz said...

Just discovered your blog. :) Glad I did!!!

MJN/NYC said...

Thank you, Susan T. And thank you, literacyteacher. I was a little worried that readers would not be able to see the writing on the sign on the windshield. It says:

Belle Shores Condominium Construction Crew
Parking in church parking lot along wooden fence
Granted by Father Richard
7 AM-5 PM