Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Congestion Pricing

Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced today in the Times that the decision on congestion pricing will be delayed forever, and insisted that just because he is a lame-duck mayor doesn't mean he is willing to be unpopular with alternate side parkers, who will be exempt from congestion pricing as long as they never go anywhere in their cars again (except back and forth across the street in an area within a half-mile radius of their primary residence) and display this emblem on their rearview mirror. It is available at all shops specializing in police equipment (nightsticks, badges, bulletproof vests) and at Virgin Megastores for only $5.99 with the purchase of any Baby Dee CD. Brought to you by the same people (Blue Q, of Pittsfield, Massachusetts) who gave us St. Otto of Bamberg, Patron Saint of Parking, this lovely item, carefully conserved, will give off the fresh, corrupt smell of doughnuts for as long as you own your car. Ah! April Fool!

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